Using mls with apache 2.0
Richard F. Rebel
2004-01-05 17:53:13 UTC

I am responsible for an environment that has 20 web and application
(mod_perl) servers split between two datacenters. We log approximately
80million requests per day that we retain to do statistics and
eventually insert data into various databases.

I have been testing mod_log_spread with apache 2.0 on a limited basis
but wish to test this under full load. I have a few

In our environment, we must not loose *any* log messages. Thusly to
test, I need to log via our normal mechanism *and* via mod_log_spread.
This way I can audit the resulting logs and compare to verify we do not
loose any transactions. Is this possible? From what I can tell, it's
not possible to log via CustomLog and via mls at the same time. If this
is so, is there a workaround anyone can think of? We would actually
prefer to keep a few days of logs locally on each server and send them
in duplicate via mls to a central location in realish-time.

I understand that it's advisable to run a spread server on each machine,
which I have arranged for. About log collection. Shall I run two of
the spreadlogd processes on separate machines in case of a server
failure? These machines would be dedicated. Has anyone else worked out
an HA solution using mls/spread/spreadlogd?

There is a WAN link between our two datacenters (dedicated T3). The log
collection will take place at only one datacenter according to our
current thinking. What happens if the link goes down? Are the
transactions re-transmitted, or lost? Does this wedge apache?

Thanks for your help!

Richard F. Rebel
